About VSP Airshow

What is the VSP Airshow?

The VSP Airshow is a database of OpenVSP models uploaded and cataloged by OpenVSP users for use by the OpenVSP community. There is no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the models, and users should use their own discretion when using models for their own purposes. VSP airshow is not endorsed or sponsored by OpenVSP or any related organizations.

The VSP Airshow is a community-driven project and we welcome contribution and feedback. Consider joining the OpenVSP Google group to keep the conversation going.

Uploading Files

In order to upload files, you must be a registered user of the VSP Hangar and be signed into your account. To upload a file, simply click the "Upload" link in the navigation bar at the top of the window, or click the "Upload Files" button on the home page.

How can I support?

Engagement is the best way to support the site. This means model contribution, commenting on models, and spreading the word. If you are interested in helping with developement please contact airshow@openvsp.org.

To help keep servers running, please consider donating to the project. Thanks for being a part of the OpenVSP community!

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Captain's Log

2024-05-27First launch of VSP Airshow.
2024-06-27Migration of legacy VSP Hangar models into VSP Airshow.
2024-08-13Public beta release of VSP Airshow.
2024-08-22Added donation button and multi-word search support.